
Organizing Committee

Ontological engineering and Knowledge Graph development, particularly in the cultural heritage domain and digital history.

Sasha Bruns

FIZ Karlsruhe and KIT (AIFB)

LLMs and KGs for extracting long-tail knowledge in sparse data domains, with a focus on applications in the CH sector.

Arianna Graciotti

University of Bologna

Semantic Web and LLMs applied to the CH domain

Bruno Sartini

Ludwig Maximilians University

Knowledge Graphs and ontologies in CH and DH with a special interest in the performing arts.

Tabea Tietz

FIZ Karlsruhe and KIT (AIFB)

Steering Committee

  • Enrico Daga, Knowledge Media Institute (United Kingdom)
  • Catherine Faron, Université Côte d'Azur (France)
  • Laura Hollink, Centrum Wiskunde Informatica (Netherlands)
  • Eero Hyvonen, Aalto University (Finland)
  • Mareike König, German Historical Institute Paris (France)
  • Valentina Presutti, University of Bologna (Italy)
  • Harald Sack, FIZ Karlsruhe (Germany)
  • Stefan Schlobach, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Netherlands)
  • Torsten Schrade, Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz (Germany)
  • Francesca Tomasi, University of Bologna (Italy)