Aim and Scope of the Workshop
Exploration, analysis, and preservation of the rich cultural and
historical tapestry of the world are essential for our understanding of
humanity's past and shaping our future. In recent years, there has been
increased interest in the creation and application of Ontologies,
Knowledge Graphs, and other Semantic Web Technologies within Cultural
Heritage (CH) and Digital Humanities (DH). However, to date, the distinct
areas of expertise, methodologies and traditions across the fields have
led to a noticeable gap between tech solutions and humanities’ needs.
The aim of SemDH 2025 is to bridge this division and encourage closer
collaboration and networking across diverse fields. To accomplish this
goal, we invite all members of Semantic Web, CH and DH communities
actively involved in the development of systematic approaches and advanced
technologies for handling heterogeneous, diverse and challenging
humanities data. This includes, but is not limited to, constructing and
utilizing of knowledge graphs for the humanities, extracting and
representing knowledge from historical texts, data linking across
disciplines, enriching semantics of historical records and biographies,
analyzing social networks, ontology adoption, extension and evaluation for
specific domains. In addition, it includes the exploitation of recent
technologies, e.g. LLM(s), in the context of semantic technologies, to
tackle the diverse challenges associated with working with historical
data. We welcome presentations that not only focus on technological
endeavours but also explore the analysis of CH and DH data landscape
through the perspective of philosophical, historical, social, and other
research questions.
Workshop Topics
- Fundamental Concepts and Questions in Digital Humanities (DH) Research
- Vocabulary, Schema, Ontology Development and Design Methodologies in DH
- Application of Formal Ontologies (UFO, BFO, etc.) in DH
- Practical Use of Standard Ontologies (CIDOC-CRM, FRBR) in DH: Case Studies, Challenges and Lessons Learnt
- Harmonization of established standards like TEI, MEI, LIDO and Ontologies
- Philosophical and Sociological Analysis of DH Models and Modeling Practices
- Social Studies on Ontology Standardization Policies in DH
- Temporal Knowledge Graphs in Context of DH
- Semantic Web Applications for DH
- Software Architectures, Structural Frameworks and Infrastructures for DH KGs
- Interoperability and Linking in DH
- Application of FAIR Principles and KG-based Data Curation Strategies in DH
- (Automated) Construction of Knowledge Graphs for DH
- Searching, Querying, and Visualization of DH Knowledge Graphs
- Natural Language Processing (NLP) for Knowledge Extraction in DH Research
- Workflows and Tools for Knowledge Extraction in DH, e.g. Crowdsourcing
- Access Management, Trust and Provenance in the DH context
- Evaluation of DH Ontologies and KGs: Methods, Metrics and Criteria
- Retrieval Augmented Generation techniques applied to DH KG
Important Dates
March 6
March 15, 2025
Submission Deadline
April 3, 2025
Author Notification
April 18, 2025
Camera Ready Versions
June 1 or 2, 2025
Workshop Date
All deadlines are 23:59 anywhere on earth (UTC-12).

SemDH2025 will be able to offer travel grants to support student authors and authors from organizations unable to fully fund their participation in the conference. This is made possible by the workshop’s sponsor NFDI4Culture, the German national consortium for research data on material and immaterial cultural heritage.
Discover NFDI4CultureSubmissions
Workshop submissions must be written in English and formatted in the proceedings style, single column format. All papers and proposals have to be submitted electronically via EasyChair. Each accepted paper needs to be presented by one of the authors, who agrees to register and participate in SemDH2025.
How to Attend

SemDH is an on-site event taking place on June 1 or 2, 2025 in Portoroz, Slovenia. The workshop is co-located with the 22nd Extended Semantic Web Conference. ESWC is a major venue for discussing the latest scientific results and technology innovations around semantic technologies. Building on its past success, ESWC is seeking to broaden its focus to span other relevant related research areas in which Web semantics plays an important role. All workshop participants must register at ESWC to attend. Please have a look at the official ESWC 2025 webpage for detailed information on the conference, program, venue and registration.